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Words to Die By

Okay, I had a few distractions along the way to trying to post again, my son and daughter to be exact. Before young children I was quite the prolific writer and now I'm proud just to type a complete sentence. Anytime I write "More to come tomorrow," just add a 3 week margin of error to that, just to be safe.

But back to that "catchy" quote I referenced. Most of the pro-lifers out there probably know that it was none other than Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood (which she originally named "American Birth Control League"). I don't want to overstate her racial prejudices; while she believed in the superiority of the white race (she speaks fondly in her autobiography of speaking about her eugenics plan to the Ku Klux Klan) she clearly applied her eugenic beliefs to the population as a whole. Her intent was to apply "a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring; to give certain dysgenic groups in our population the choice of segregation or sterilization" (from A Plan for Peace written in 1932).

Yet Sanger mistakenly believed through her eugenic movement that birth control amongst the "less desirable" classes (her list of undesirable populations is too numerous to enumerate here but you can easily find it through a google search) would put an end to what she called "the horrors of abortion and infanticide."

Now that's interesting. Her business, now called Planned Parenthood, takes the lives of over 320,000 unborn children per year (over 60 million in the United States alone since 1973). Planned Parenthood makes $190 million on abortion per year, accounting for 60% of all their clinic income, and they perform more than 1 in 3 of the abortions that take place in the United States. Lest we forget 96% of pregnant women who enter for services choose abortion. So it seems that birth control isn't working out too terribly well for Planned Parenthood. Or should I say, it's working out FANTASTIC for them, because it doesn't seem to work all that well, leading most pregnant women who visit them to utilize their biggest moneymaker: abortion.

Some of you might now be poised to tell me they help with other women's health issues. And you're right, they do perform less than 1% of the pap tests in the United States and less than .2% of their clinics provide prenatal care. So if you're pregnant, you might need to visit 1,998 clinics before you find one who is willing to help with your baby. They perform zero mammograms annually, and I'm not great at math but that seems like a pretty small number.

I want to add in a piece about race here. Then I'll link to someone far more knowledgeable and well-spoken on the topic than I am. But my friends, the nationwide abortion ratio among black women, which is the number of abortions per life births, is nearly 3.5 times the ratio for white women. In areas of New York City black children are more likely to be aborted than born alive and up to eight times more likely to be aborted than white children in the same area. Planned Parenthood aborts 257 black babies per day in the United States and places 78% of their surgical abortion centers in black or hispanic neighborhoods.

The recent murder of George Floyd was tragic and avoidable. And while hundreds of thousands march in crowds to protest this terrible murder, two young African American women praying outside of Planned Parenthood were arrested for -- get this -- allegedly violating social distancing guidelines. One of the women, desperately pointing out before getting arrested that the abortionists were "killing George Floyds in here right now!" said what so many of us are feeling now: These murders, each and every one of them but also the tragically disproportionate number of black lives being ended at the hands of abortionists every day, are wrong.

I live in a small town, so the "big" protest in our area was a group of about five people carrying signs. One sign said, "Murder is NEVER okay." And I found myself thinking, but does she REALLY believe that? Does she believe it's never okay, or does she think unborn black babies can be murdered? And it's a sad thing to wonder how many people there are who really understand that all lives matter. This human person everyone is protesting right now had VALUE. He had value the day he died, he had value the year before that, he had value when he was young, and he had value the day he was born, an hour before his birth. No person should ever have to fear for their safety amongst the professionals who are supposed to protect them, but also please never forget that the most dangerous place for a black person is not in police custody but in the womb. The original Hippocratic Oath also contained a statement against aborting babies, but it's been removed in the modern version and health care has taken on a new and very frightening meaning for those humans in the womb. We need to stand together against all unjust murders. All humans with no voice deserve our protests and our voices. Let's be a voice for not only one tragically murdered human but for 60 million others as well.

During this difficult time I wanted to close with a story of hope. I read this woman's story yesterday and was very touched by it. I hope that it can inspire you as well.

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